Anatomy Of A Failed Merger:剖析一次失败的合并

DropSend founder Ryan Carson, who has been chronicling the ups and downs of the process of selling the company, writes a long post today about how a deal fell through with YouSendIt. While its fairly unorthodox to tell the whole story as it’s happening, it certainly is an interesting marketing move and makes for great reading. One note of caution, however. Flock was not pleased to have their name brought up as a potential buyer in the original posts, and YouSendIt may not be ecstatic, either, about this recent tell-all. At the very least, if you are interested in keeping your dirty laundry to yourself, consider signing a nondisclosure agreement with Carson before beginning negotiations. I eagerly await the next installment of this series.
DropSend的创始人Ryan Carson将由于出售这个公司被载入史册,他今天写了一大篇文章关于这笔交易如何用YouSendIt完成的。同时他以公正的非正统的方式了故事是如何发生的,无疑是一个有趣的市场措施,很值得玩味。然而只是一个谨慎的记录。在早期的文章中,Flock对以他们的名义带来一个潜在的卖家很不高兴,YouSendIt或许对最近知道的是也不高兴。至少如果你对把你自己的脏衣服放在洗衣房感兴趣的话,将被认为在开始谈判之前和Carson一起同意了。我急切盼望事情的下文。
Article from(文章来自于):TechCrunch 2007-1-3