Another Gmail Problem:谷歌邮箱的另一个问题

The last thing I want to do right now is post on another problem over at Google, but this was a big one. Basically, a website could download your entire Gmail contact list by adding a bit of code to their server and exploiting Google’s JSON API. The problem has apparently been fixed, very soon after the vulnerability was found.
我现在想做的最后一件事是发布谷歌的另一个问题,但是这个问题比较大。基本上一个网站能通过他们的服务添加一些代码来下载你的整个Gmail联系列表,利用谷歌的JSON API.这个问题显然在被人发现不久就被修复了。
I’m not going to go on and on (again) about how much trouble Google is getting into with these problems. In this case, days did not go by before Google responded to the problem. They addressed it immediately.
This is good fodder for the ongoing JSON debate, though.
但对于JSON debate却是一个好事情。
Article from(文章来自于):TechCrunch