Apple Announces iPhone, Stock Soars:乔布斯宣布苹果手机,股票大涨
Once again, Apple CEO Steve Jobs wowed the crowds like no one else can. In his 9 am keynote at MacWorld in San Francisco this morning, Jobs announced the new iPhone cell phone. From the description in appears to be a game changing device, and the public markets seem to agree. As of the time of this writing, Apple stock is up over 7% for the day. Competitor Research in Motion (Blackberry) is down over 6%, wiping $2 billion dollars in market cap off the table. Palm, maker of the Treo, is also down, nearly 6%.
The iPhone is an impressive, and expensive, device. It comes in 4 GB and 8 GB models and costs $499 and $599, respectively. It includes a 3.5 inch touchscreen with a virtual keyboard, a 2 megapixel camera, is WIFI enabled and runs OSX. Cingular is the carrier. The desktop-like interface and user experience looks to be a killer. This might actually take the mobile email revolution another full step forward from what Blackberry has done. Standard web sites can be viewed via the Safari browser (and soon, I’m sure, Firefox). And there are a number of nice touches as well, including a motion sensor that rotates photos when you turn the phone, and voicemails displayed visually that you can click on and listen to. As we all expect from Apple, this is a seriously buttoned up device.
iphone是一个让人记忆深刻的,昂贵的设备。它的4GB和8GB版本分别售价499美元和599美元。它包括一个带虚拟键盘的3.5英寸触摸屏,一个2兆像素的摄像头,支持wifi并能在OSX上运行。Cingular is the carrier。桌面风格的界面,用户体验超强。这实际上是手机邮件革命全面向黑莓前进。标准的网站能通过Safari浏览器(不久firefox也可以)观看。倒不如一些好用的触摸菜单,包括一个动画传感器,当你选择手机时,相片也旋转了,语音邮件以视觉方式显示,你可以点击并收听。我们对苹果所有的盼望是,在这个设备上加上按键。
The iPod functionality is almost a side benefit, and with the limited storage compared to the high end iPods, serious music aficionados will still want to carry their 80 GB iPods as well.
Apple also made other announcements today, including the availability of Apple TV (formerly iTV), a $299 living room device that streams iTunes content to the television. And iTunes appears to be soldiering on, with 2 billion songs and 1.3 million movies sold.
苹果今天宣布了一些其他的事情,包括Apple TV(也就是传说中的iTV),一个售价299美元的起居室设备,可以把iTune上的内容传到电视中。iTune好像会继续运营下去,在它的网站上出售20亿首歌曲和1300万部电影。The biggest letdown is the fact that the iPhone won’t be available until June 2007 in the U.S. They have so much horsepower and untested software packed into this tiny device that the first version will almost certainly have problems - overheating, bugs, etc. That won’t stop millions from buying it as soon as it is available. And it won’t stop me, either.
Article from:TechCrunch:Apple Announces iPhone, Stock Soars 2007-1-9