FeedLounge Profile

Company: FeedLounge
What is it?他是什么?
The FeedLounge web-based RSS reader alpha was announced on June 9, 2005. Feedlounge is the newest entrant into the increasingly crowded RSS Reader space. Feedlounge is web-based, like Bloglines, Pluck, Kinja and Rojo, and has tagging (both feeds and posts), saving items indefinitely, and flagging items.
FeedLounge是一个基于RSS的阅读器,alpha版本于2005年6月9日发布。FeedLounge做为一个新来者进入这个高速增长的领域。FeedLounge基于网页,像Bloglines, Pluck, Kinja and Rojo一样,有标签,可以无限制的保存项目。
Scott Sanders, one of the founders, writes in his blog that he created FeedLounge as a web-based application because he works from many different machines. Their goal was to create a thin-client-like experience, and the early alpha testers are coming back with very positive reviews:
网站创始人之一,Scott Sanders,在他的博客里写了他创建基于网页的FeedLounge的原因是他从许多不同的机器完成他的工作。他们的目标是创建一个顾客喜欢的客户端,早期的alpha版本测试者也带来了许多非常肯定的评论。
FeedLounge often feels much more like a desktop application than a web page. Clever combinations of Ajax and CSS add a ton of “hey wow” moments when using the system. As with Alex’s other works, the user interface is clean and easy to navigate.”
FeedLounge 经常被认为是一个桌面应用程序,而不是一个网页。你会发现大量的Ajax和CSS被利用到这个系统中。Alex的另一个工作是让用户界面更清洁更利于浏览。
Key Features:
- choice of layouts
- useful keyboard shortcuts
- OPML import support (export support later)
- Tagging (both of feeds and posts)
- Works only with Firefox, by design (a plus in TechCrunch’s view)
Screen Shots:截图:
Alex King
Scott Sanders
Relevant Links:
About FeedLounge 关于FeedLounge
FeedLounge Blog FeedLounge的博客
Dougal Campbell Review of FeedLounge Dougal Campbell在FeedLounge上的评论
TechBlog Post on FeedLounge TechBlog在FeedLounge的文章
Alex King Blog Alex King的博客
Scott Sanders Blog Scott Sanders的博客
List of web-based RSS Readers 基于网页的RSS阅读器
Article from(文章来自于):TechCrunch 2005-6-11