
Google Personalized Homepage, Blue Edition:谷歌个性化主页蓝色版


This BeautyBlue style adds rounded corners and a blue background to Google Personalized Homepage. It also changes the font to Georgia and increases the text size.


Unfortunately, the author restricted the scope to google.de, so I fixed this to work for any Google domain and removed some minor bugs. The updated script is available here and requires Greasemonkey for Firefox or Opera.

不幸的是,作者限定使用范围到google德国网站,因此我做了些修改工作,以便可以应用到任意的google域名,并删除了一些bugs.升级的脚本在这里,需要Greasemonkey for FirefoxOpera插件。

Article from(文章来自于):GoogleSystem:Google Personalized Homepage, Blue Edition 2007-1-8


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