Nownow by amazon is in beta:"现在现在"开始测试

Send us an email with a question in the subject.
Real people ready to research your question 24 hours a day.
We will quickly email you up to 3 answers back.
Invited User:受邀请用户:URL
Invited? 你已经被邀请了吗?
Enter the email address where you received the original NowNow invite.
Email address:邮箱地址:
Want to be a Member? 想要成为一个会员?
NowNow is currently in private beta and we are not accepting new members at this time. However, if you want to be notified when we accept new members, click on the button below.
FAQ:常见问题 url
About NowNow 关于NowNow
Asking a question 提问
Answers to your questions 对你的提问的回答
Your Privacy 隐私条款
Proper Use of the Site 网站正当用户
1. What is NowNow?
NowNow is a service that mobile users can use to find answers to any question via mobile email. When you post a question to NowNow via email (, our NowNow workers will surf the web to find the answer for you. NowNow workers are users who are being paid to search the web on your behalf. NowNow bypasses the need for mobile users to go to the web to find answers to questions as NowNow will send you an email with up to 3 answers to each question you ask. We have not finalized our pricing for each question, however, we expect each question will cost less than $0.25. During this beta-test period all questions asked will be FREE.
2. Who are the people answering my questions?
NowNow has partnered with company, Mechanical Turk (, who has a community of users completing various tasks for numerous businesses. By partnering with Mechanical Turk we are paying the Mechanical Turk community (our NowNow workers) to answer your questions. We pay our NowNow workers based on the quality of answers provided, which is why we encourage you to tell us if an answer submitted was "lame", "junk", or "great" answer
本站是亚马逊公司的合作伙伴,Mechanical Turk (有一个社区网站,这个网站的用户为大量的事件完成各种各样的任务。通过和Mechanical Turk 合作,我们付费给他的社区(我们的工作人员)来回答你的问题。我们给我们员工的工资是建立在提供问题答案的质量上,这就是我们鼓励你告诉我们是否一个答案的提交是“无说服力的”,“废话”,或者是“很棒”的原因。
3. Do I need to create an account to use NowNow and what do I need to sign up?
If you want to ask a question, you will need to create an account. There is no charge for creating an account with NowNow. If you were invited to join NowNow via email from an existing NowNow user, then we have already signed you up using your email address as your login and we've given you a temporary password, which you can change online.
4. What type of mobile devices does NowNow support?
You can use any mobile device that supports email protocol such as Blackberry, Palm Treo, and other Wireless PDAs or Smart phones.
你可以使用任何支持邮箱协议的手机设备,例如黑莓,Palm Treo,和其他无线PDA或者手机。
5. Do I need to log onto NowNow every time I visit?
In order to manage and access your account you will have to log in every time you visit By logging in you will be able to manage your questions and change your preferences/settings. To use NowNow from your mobile device, you just have to send an email to "" and type in your question in the subject header. Once our NowNow workers have found an answer to your question, we will send you an email with up to 3 answers to each question you ask.
6. How do I contact NowNow with more questions about NowNow?
Please e-mail us at:
7. Where do I find NowNow's Terms of Service?
Click on this link to read NowNow's Terms and Conditions.
8. Why is NowNow an invite only service?
We are currently beta-testing NowNow to make sure that we provide you with excellent service. Consequently, we are limiting the number of users who can use the service.
9. How many invites will I receive?
The number of invites you will receive will be based upon how well we are able to provide you with excellent service. Consequently each user will have anywhere from zero (0) to five (5) invites. Periodically we will update each users account with more open invites based on our ability to provide all NowNow users with a high level of service.
10. How can I invite a friend using one of my invites?
You can invite a friend to by using the "invite" command from you mobile device. You just have to send an email to "" and in the body of the email type "invite X" where X is the email address of the person you would like to invite. After your friend receives an email from us, your friend can immediately start using the NowNow service. You also can invite users from the web by clicking on the invite link at the upper right hand corner of the website, assuming you have some open invites left to give.
你可以通过用你的手机发送“邀请”命令来邀请你的朋友到nownow网站。你不得不发一封邮件到"" ,在邮件中写有“邀请某人”的地方就是你想要邀请朋友的地址。在你的朋友从你那里受到邮件后,他将可以立即使用Nownow服务。你也可以通过点击网页右上角的“Invited User"来通过网站邀请用户,以后你可以得到更多开放的邀请。
11. How do I know how many open invites I have?
If you go to and log onto NowNow you will see at the upper right hand corner of the website the # of open invites you have left.
1. When can I start asking questions using my mobile device?