BubbleShare Finally Gets Its Payday:"芭比共享"终于等到了收费的那一天

After a previous flirtation with Fox Interactive that ended abrubtly, Toronto-based BubbleShare finally found a buyer who’ll love them forever.
Today they announced their acquisition by Kaboose Inc. (TSX: KAB), a small public “family focused online media company” in Canada, for US$2.25 million plus up to another US$750,000 based on an earn-out provision.
今天他们宣布获得了Kaboose公司(一个小的在加拿大的“家族在线媒体公司”)以225万美元额外另加75万美元的追加投资(TSX: KAB)。
This marks 28 year old founder Albert Lai’s second entrepreneurial success. He was a millionaire before his 20th birthday after founding MyDesktopNetwork and selling it in 1999. He dabbled in a few other startups before BubbleShare, and has now made another mini-fortune. Congrats to the entire team.
这意味着28岁的创始人Albert Lai的第二次创业成功。在他的20岁生日之前,1999年卖掉了他创办的MyDesktopNetwork公司之后他已经是一个百万富翁了。在创办BubbleShare之前他曾涉足一些其他的领域,现在已经发了一笔小财。祝贺这个团队的成功。
Our previous coverage of BubbleShare is here.
Article from(文章来自于):TechCrunch 2007-1-4