New Version of Google Talk :新版本的谷歌聊天软件

There's a new version of Google Talk: While there's no obvious new feature except for Vista support, it's interesting to look at some additions from the previous versions. 谷歌发布了Google Talk新版本:然而除了支持Vista外并没有明显的新特征,也许去看一看之前版本附加的功能会比较有趣。 When you invite someone with a non-Gmail address, a new dialog informs you that Google Talk tries to see if that person uses another compatible service, like Gizmo or Earthlink. 如果你邀请一个没有Gmail的朋友,一个新的对话框将通知你Google Talk 将试着去看以下是否那个人用了另一个兼容的服务,比如Gizmo 或者 Earthlink。

Links to Gmail from Google Talk send you to the secured version of Gmail (you'll notice that the URL starts with https). 从Google Talk 连接到Gmail再发送给你一个安全版本的Gmail(你可以注意到链接地址是以https开头的) There are also some new status messages, but they aren't visible yet: "Show who I am chatting with", "Chatty", "talking w/". 还有一些状态信息,但他们还不能使用:“显示我正在和谁聊天”,“Chatty”,“talking w/”。 Article from(文章来自于):GoogleSystem 2007-1-4