What Is The Definition Of A Blog?博客的定义是什么?

Yesterday Google posted the yearly stats for the Official Google Blog. Not bad - 294 posts, 7.6 million unique visitors and 15 million page views. Technorati ranks the Google Blog as the 16th largest among all blogs, and it is by far the most popular official company blog. Just one accidental deletion and a couple of hacks added a bit of spice and drama.
But today bloggers are starting to ask if the Official Google Blog is even an actual blog. The reason? It doesn’t allow readers to leave comments. The Official Google blog does list links to other sites referencing any given post (a sort of trackback), but that’s it. The conversation ends there.
Yahoo, in contrast, does allow reader comments on their official blogs. At times it has been painful for them, but I believe having this direct user feedback mechanism is helping them make better products.
Other prominent bloggers have removed comments, too. Seth Godin, no. 19 on the Technorati list, rarely allows comment on his blog. He says that comments affect what he writes, and “So, given a choice between a blog with comments or no blog at all, I think I’d have to choose the latter.”
其它著名的博客也已经移走了评论。在Technorati中列第19的博客Seth Godin,很少允许别人在他的博客上评论。他说评论会影响他的写作,“因此,在是否在一个博客上允许评论我选择否。”
The current definitions of “blog” in most dictionaries don’t mention reader comments at all when defining the term. Wikipedia says only that “the ability for readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.” According to these sources, the minimum requirement for a web site to be a blog is that it have content, and that it be sorted in reverse chronological order.
I believe the term “blog” means more than an online journal. I believe a blog is a conversation. People go to blogs to read AND write, not just consume. We’ve allowed comments here on TechCrunch since it started. At times, user comments can be painful to deal with. But they also keep the writer honest, and make the content vastly more interesting. 我相信“博客”这个词条意思好像一种在线的旅行。我相信博客是一次对话。人们到博客上读写文章,不只是浪费时间。自从TechCrunch创建我们就允许在这里评论。同时,评论也使我们处理起来有点麻烦。但是他们是怀着对作者的真诚和对内容有极大的兴趣。 Should the definitions of “blog” be revised to exclude journals that do not allow reader comments? Yeah, absolutely. And Google may think so, too. At the end of their post, they write “And before long, perhaps you can begin leaving comments directly. We’re working on that.” 博客的定义不是应该定义为做为可以使读者评论的一次旅行吗?当然是。谷歌或许也这样认为。在他们最后的文章中,他们写到“在不久的将来,或许你可以开始直接在我们的博客上评论。我们正在努力中。” What do you think? You can leave a comment. 你认为如何?请留下评论吧。
1 条评论:
我也注意到了这个关于google blog是否是一个真正的blog的争论。大家都认为没有评论就不能算是一个博客。我个人觉得blog是博客作者和读者之间交流的桥梁,不管用什么方式来交流只要能达到目的就可以了。
google blog的反向链接功能其实是一个很不错的交流方法,只要针对一篇文章写出自己的博客就可以显示出来,以便达到读者和作者之间的交流。也刺激了别人写博客。挺好的一个方法。 总比国内的某些博客里满篇都是抢沙发/顶/好,好得多。